Dumaguete City

Ash Wednesday in Dumaguete

One of the most important seasons in the Holy Church is the celebration of Lent. Here in Dumaguete, the season of Lent is traditionally started with Ash Wednesday Mass in one of the biggest church in the city, which is the St. Catalina de Alejandria Cathedral Church.

What is Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday is a Catholic tradition that marks the first day of the 40 days fasting and abstinence before Eastern Sunday. It is the preparation for the resurrection of Jesus our Savior. These 40 days preparations, not including Sundays, are being counted down till March 27 (Eastern Sunday).

This tradition has been implemented throughout the city since the first charter day of Dumaguete. Schools and other businesses receive there ashes (symbolizes the dust in which God made us) early in the morning of the holy celebrated mass. Catholic Schools, however, celebrated their own Ash Wednesday Mass in their own schools during Lent.

Ash Wednesday in Dumaguete Church

During the homily of Fr. Henrix Alar, one of the priests of the Ash Wednesday mass, he emphasized the biblical quote: “From dust unto dust shall you return”. Throughout his homily the topic revolved into the penance and the abstinence of every Dumagueteños must take in order to please God during his Son’s resurrection.

“As the Christian world enters into the Lenten season of repentance, penance and prayer, people are asked to posture themselves as humble beings seeking God’s forgiveness and mercy,” Fr. Alar said.

With lots to reflect and lots repent, the 40 days of penance, fasting and abstinence might not be enough for purer intentions.

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Daisy Barredo

My name is Daisyrie S. Barredo and I currently live in, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. The art of journalism have caught my attention ever since I was a little girl. Writing is a passion only few are able to get and fewer people to achieve. With a touch of an opportunity, I was able to commit myself in following my passion in writing. I found peace and joy whenever I do my job as an article writer and I will continue to do so.